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This map blown-up as a jpg (48105 byte) or file (752 k)

from an excellent Polish Prehistoric site with more info







Euro MAN


Knowledge references and information about

the origin of humans in Europe



By Pierre André THIBAULT, in Copenhagen, Denmark, 2003, 2004, 2005,


with Copyrights for the copied, printed, or reproduced  texts, articles,


images,  icons,  pictures,  maps,  photos,  videos,  MOBILE films,


URL, internet-IP addresses, and links, as mentioned above and below.




The programme mentioned at the Special4u Euro TOURS and “Prehistoric Tour” pages is based

upon the substantial amount of knowledge references and information material presented here:


Through a number of search engines in different languages, as for example Google, Yahoo, and

other search engines as or, and at many

different search engines from several countries, the travel, location, place, geographic, historic,

and prehistoric names, keywords, and references used in the programme of the “Prehistoric Tour”,

can be, and have been checked.


For the suggested themes of the “Prehistoric Tour”, and of “Origin of Humankind on each continent”,

dozens of internet sites and home pages are presenting the different aspects of the “Origin of humans”,

“Origin of man”, “Mankind” or “Humankind”, and are including the questions about “evolution” or

“creation”. Such keywords and related concepts can be used for your search.


A number of history, prehistory, archaeology and other specialized books, articles, résumés, texts,

papers, essays, theses, reviews, and magazines in many languages can be checked, and some

selection can be read! For example, in Scientific American at, search

references with keywords as “human evolution”.


On theses tours, you’ll get, together with other information material, a copy of a text about

ATAPUERCA, The first Europeans, extraordinary Spanish caves rewrite 1 million years of

human evolution” by J. L. Arsuaga. See also co-director del Yacimiento de Atapuerca,

and J.L. Arsuaga at Yahoo. Read also more about Atapuerca.





Dr Jan JELINEK, from the UNESCO and the Moravian Museum, Brno, Czech Republic,

has written “The big pictorial encyclopaedia of the evolution of man”, first published in 1973

by Artia in Prague in different languages. It is still a popular book with more than 900 very

relevant pictures. He also wrote “Primitive Hunters” (“Les Sociétés de Chasseurs”), among

several others.


On a telephone interview by Pierre André Thibault on the 3rd of March 2003,

Dr Jelinek gave a clear and definite approving “of course” answer to the question:


- “IS the origin of man from the sole Africa questionable? “


Dr Jelinek comments further:

-          “We must still wait that new discoveries and new material will be confirming what we

already feel or know, but it is only a matter of time. Genetics, if law supports science, can

prove it already today, if enough work is put into it of course,” Dr Jelinek said.


To the question:

- “Could we be on a “flat Earth” situation when those who said it was round were burned?”


Dr Jelinek answers:

- “Today, here, would anybody burn anyone, or even burn a book, or a good book?

Or don’t they in some places? But the dominating view is still in opposition against the highest

odds of probability. You see that in Chicago where two experts, Dr Milford Wolpoff

who wrote “Paleo-anthropology”, and Dr Richard G KLEIN with “The Human Career”,

are opposing their views. Read yourself. Could so different people on Earth, with so different

characters and from so different continents, come from the same place in the same time?“

he asks.


- “So, is it multi regional EVOLUTION as Wolpoff puts it, or creation for Klein?


- “The choice is yours, but to me, it is evident!” ends Dr Jelinek.


Dr Richard RUDGLEY, Pitt Rivers Museum in Oxford, GB,

has written “Lost Civilisations of the Stone Age”, 1998, at ,

also a popular publication. So are his other works mentioned in his biography, and all much

the result of his work in anthropology and religion.


An excellent website, where very competent researchers as well as students and interested persons

can also contribute to a discussion on these themes, is:


Many other websites referring to what has been found about the first human art can be compared.


In addition to the names mentioned in the programme of the tours, for the first representations

of men and women, keywords as prehistoric art, artifacts, artefacts, figurine, statuette, venus,

madonna, godess… and names as Les Eyzies, Le Moustier, Acheul, Lespugue, Laussel, Niaux,

Chauvet, Abri Pataud, Laugerie, Sireuil, Tursac, La Ferrassie, La Madeleine, Angles sur l´Anglin,

Lagrave, Pestillac, Gorge d´Enfer, Trou Magrite, Willendorf, Gönnersdorf, Menton, Mentone,

Grimaldi, Balzi Rossi, Savignano, Parabita, Macomer, Dolni Vestonice, Petrkovice, Predmosti,

Strelice, Hluboke Masuvky, Cernavoda, Pekarna, Gagarino, Jelisejevitsjij-Ukraine as described

in Jelinek´s book, Avdjejevo, Kostjenkij, Mezyn Mezin map Novgorod-Severskly, Shostka map

Mezin, ( -*- ), ( -**- ), Mezyn in der Ukraine, or Metsin, Malta Siberia, “the dentist ?” of Hulbjerg,

Grimes, Hagar Qim, Tell Halaf and many others… will give you much feeling about a prehistoric

art that you can often recognize as of a same quality and universal artistic inspiration as in many

other ancient and modern masterpieces.

For keywords as “prehistoric figurine”, “venus”… check this site: and this Map.


Popular presentations of the prehistoric ages and of the origin of mankind with frequently

used names as prosimii, anthropoid, hominoidea, hominidae, proconsul, ramapithecus,

australopithecus, homo afarensis, africanus, habilis, erectus, steinheimensis, heidelbergensis,

mauer, neanderthalensis, pre-sapiens, homo, homo-sapiens, sapiens, sapiens-sapiens,

cro-magnon… and others, covering also the upper, middle and lower paleolithic, mesolithic,

noelithic, stone age and metals ages as well as the geological periods some when between

70-25 million years ago, when the first primates appeared, until modern ages, can be reviewed

in a number of books/encyclopaedia/dictionaries/atlases in most school, public and institution



Many references relevant for these tours can be read in the Encyclopaedia Britannica, (first published 1768). For example, in the 1988 edition,

“Human Evolution”, page 930 to 980, and “The Theory of Evolution”, page 981 to 1009.

Much of the bibliography in both these articles can be reviewed. The reference about

Cro-Magnon, race of men dating from the upper Palaeolithic Period (35 000 to 10 000

years ago)…” is interesting as a relevant part for some of the themes chosen for this

“Prehistoric Tour”: “…It is difficult to determine how long the Cro-Magnon peoples lasted and

what happened to them. Presumably they were gradually absorbed into European populations

that came later, which makes the question more a genetic than an anthropological one. 

Individuals with some Cro-Magnon characteristics have been found in the Mesolithic

(8000 to 5000 BC) and the Neolithic (5000 to 2000 BC) periods. Cro-Magnon-like races have been

studied in France, England, Spain and North Africa. Most interesting are the Dal race from

Dalarna in Sweden, and the Guanches of the Canary Islands, who may be the last, relatively

pure, Cro-Magnon peoples left on Earth.”


The “Prehistoric Tour” covers much of the history and saga of the

European women and men, who ever was first, from their origin

to the Ancient Greece and Rome, until today.

They have left their marks all along the route of this journey in time,

from Chilhac for about 2 million years ago, Atapuerca for about 1 million

years ago, to the common European space programme in Toulouse,

for the exploration of our surrounding universe tomorrow!

That’s what you’ll see and experience with this tour!


Our next “Euro Life Tour” will be designed as a follow-up of this first “Prehistoric Tour”, with a

more “genetic approach” of the origin of humans and their roots, and with much more of

the modern aspects and problems of development for the European populations and their

quality of life in cities and in the countryside. This next “Euro Life Tour” will start in Dalarna

in Sweden, and will reach the Canary Islands following the “Route Cro-Magnon” through Denmark,

Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Hungary, Slovenia, Italy, France, Spain, possibly Morocco

and back to Switzerland, Luxemburg, Belgium, Holland, Great Britain, Ireland, Iceland, Scotland,

Norway, Finland, the Baltic Countries, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldavia, Romania and Bulgaria.


Other worldwide tours are also planned on the background of the more recent culture, history,

tourism, society, modern life aspects, development problems and other themes from the prehistoric

period after the Cro-Magnon and Stone Age until modern and future times.


More specifically ETHNOLOGIC themes will also be treated, and specially when suggested through

audio-visual media, picture, film, tv, video, website presentations...


In due time before each tour, it will be possible to check here some suitable travel CONNECTIONS

to the tour. You will have to buy and book all your connection fares yourself, at your own cost on

top of the price of your “Prehistoric Tour”.


In due time before each tour, the internet sites of the places booked for visits and those of

the places visited if possible, as well as other relevant sites can be checked on for example the

 following page:


In due time before each tour, a Day by Day SCHEDULE will be notified to each participant.


The basic condition for your participation in these tours is that you have a personal or

group travel insurance with full coverage, including immediate medical and dental

assistance and emergency evacuation by flight repatriation home with air ambulance

if needed. You must also have some sort of Social Security insurance with the equivalent

of the EUROPEAN HEALTH INSURANCE CARD (the blue card). This will be checked before  

you buy your tour.


See also other interesting details

about the “Special Euro Tours” on the Euro TOURS site.





For further info about these tours, send an email with your questions and, if you have any, a

suggestion about a topic or a contribution of yours related to the themes of these tours: 



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Send your point of view, your opinion, your web needs, your query, quest,


suggestion or contribution,  with your reference and background, here.




Anything from this site may be copied and used freely if intended for education, study,

research, public, or private information, or other non-commercial and non-political uses.




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